Wednesday, July 28, 2010

Fun Family!

Here are more pictures from the DeJesus Family shoot.  We had a lot of fun taking these pictures.  They were troopers because they put up with heat with lots of smiles and laughter!

First up, here is Kyle and his dog Ollie. 


Sitting on the dock of the lake : )   I was hoping to end this session with everyone jumping in the water with their clothes on, but they were going out to dinner afterward, so that was a no-go.  But next time they said they would come prepared!

I really love this image.  They thought I was crazy when I told them I wanted them to hold hands and run from the dock to their house.  But don't they look like a cute, happy family?!

This is a yummy foot!

One of my last pictures of the day was also the first frown of the day, and on that note, we're done : )

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